And I thought New Yorkers were jaded

I walk into my local pret a manager this morning for my morning soya latte and walk in to find a woman collapsed on the ground and a few staff members hovering over her. I ask a bystander what happened and i’m informed that she just collapsed and they don’t know why.
The first thing that amazes me though is that even though her rather large body has collapsed diagonaly there by blocking 3 of the 5 tills, people have still snaked her around and lined up for coffee!! And they have the nerve to look impatient.
What’s more unbelievable is that when the woman came to and the staff peeled her off the floor 4 skinny blond bitches who were waiting behind me marched past me and went to the till that collapsed woman was blocking! The nerve!
I tried to take a photo but without being completely heartless I couldn’t quite capture the scene.
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device

2 thoughts on “And I thought New Yorkers were jaded”

  1. I want to find the blog for the person standing behind you in the line I figure it might go something like this….
    ‘What’s more unbelievable is that when the woman came to and the staff peeled her off the floor 4 skinny blond bitches who were waiting behind me marched past me and went to the till that collapsed woman was blocking AND the woman in front of me took a picture of the whole thing with her blackberry!’

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