its cold and drizzly

Well, typical English weather actually. And commuting sucks. This morning I missed my 6.45am train by 5 minutes because of stupid edgeware road station. Its that collector station that likes to hold trains anywhere from 1 minute to 10min depending on its fancy. Its a game of Russian roulette every morning taking the tube through that station. And I can’t go around it. So on days like today I miss my train by 5 min, which leaves me stuck at Paddington for 28 min before the next one. And yet the vast majority of people in and around London do massive commutes just like this.

Well, I’m not british yet. Until then, commuting will probably be the end of me.

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Joining the commuting world

With my office now out in theale I’ve joined the masses in commuting hell. Kings cross shut due to over crowding, missed my 7.30am train from paddington to reading and believe it or not almost missed the 8am.

(Canadians the travel equivalent is having your downtown office in TD centre moved to grimsby outside of Hamilton. Fun.)

In other news this morning our towel rack warmer was on, autumn has arrived!

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Seriously, what’s to film?

This guy in the seat beside me has been filming out the window of the eurostar for the last 15 min. Seriously, why? Its northen France, pretty enough, but not spectacular. And I can see his video, bouncy and blury. Why tourist, why?

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Ltr frm dctr. OMG LOL.

I just received this text from my doctor’s office:

“U will have a ltr from NHS Islington asking u to confirm u r a pt at [name of doctor’s office] Please return this ltr asap or they may remove u from our list ta”


32 deg today!

It was hot today, like Spain hot. Time to celebrate with some sangria. All this sunny weather I can almost compete with my friend Adrienne’s unemployment tan. Almost.

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Borough market

Can’t believe we haven’t been until now! Amazing food market selling just about any food product you can imagine Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

Another Bike Lock Incident

I got to Cambridge this morning (after landing into Heathrow at 6:30AM) only to find that yet again some idiot had locked his bicycle to mine. Unlike the first time this happened this guy had locked right around my inner frame so there was no way I was going to be able to get free.

Some idiot locked his bike to mine

I figured if I couldn’t get my bike free, the only other option would be to try to open the lock. Here’s what it looked like:

Close up of the Lock

It looked pretty straightforward – four numbers on a dial. I figured there were probably “teeth” inside and the correct numbers would have a gap under them that allowed the teeth through. I was reminded of 1996 when I read the (in)famous MIT Guide To Lock Picking while procrastinating at University. Could this lock really be that simple? Surely it had to be more complicated than this?

So I gave the following a try:

  1. I pulled the cable very tight, putting stress on the lock.
  2. While pulling the lock I rotated each number one-by-one. Each wheel was very hard to move (due to binding friction of pulling on the lock) but when I hit the “right” number the wheel eased up significantly.
  3. I did the same with each of the four wheels and the lock pulled open.

The above took me less than 20 seconds, and I’ve never picked a lock in my life. Here’s the end result:

Lock Opened

My bike was free! The whole ordeal, from noticing my bike was locked and including cursing, looking for a way to unravel it, kicking the guy’s tyres, texting Sylvia to bitch about it, figuring out the lock was probably easy to pick, and picking the lock was about 3 minutes in total. It’s not surprising that so many bikes get stolen at Cambridge Station.

And to the guy who’s lock this was:

  1. In the future, watch what you’re locking your damned bike to and,
  2. Buy a new lock immediately.

Which kind of hockey?

Conversation goes a little like this,

Brit 1: ya I was once in Canada about 15 years ago and I remember someone asking me what I thought about Wayne greyzky. But I didn’lt know who that was.
Me: how do you not know who Wayne greyzky is??
Brit 1: ya, I don’t know. Just never heard of him
Me: my god! But he’s like a national hero! Hey, brit 2, do you know who Wayne getzky is?
Brit2: no. Who is he?
Me: my god! Only the most famous hockey player ever!
Brit2: what kind of hockey? Ice hockey?
Me: now you’re just taking the piss. There is hockey, and then there is field hockey and road hockey.
Both brits: shrug
Me: urgh’ nevermind.